Bachelor of Arts (Major/Minor) Criminology at Vancouver Island University


Bachelor of Arts (Major/Minor) Criminology at Vancouver Island University

Course Name:Bachelor of Arts (Major/Minor) Criminology

University:Vancouver Island University

Qualification:Bachelor's/First Professional Degree

Province:British Columbia


Language of Instruction:English


The program introduces students to criminal law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and case-law decisions made by the courts. Students will examine in separate courses the three main components of the criminal justice system—police, courts, and corrections—that form an organized response to crime. The program addresses the trends and correlates of crime, including the influences of age, ethnicity, gender, and social class. The major explanations for crime try to account for these patterns by looking at historical, individual, and social causes. The criminological focus is broadened with courses from other disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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