Bachelor of Commerce at After Degree at University of Alberta


Bachelor of Commerce - After Degree at University of Alberta

Course Name:Bachelor of Commerce - After Degree

University:University of Alberta

Qualification:Bachelor's/First Professional Degree



Language of Instruction:English

Allow Coop:Yes


MAJORS: Accounting-Maj; Business Economics & Law-Maj; Business Studies-Maj; Decision & Info Systems-Maj; Distribution Management-Maj; East Asian Studies-Maj; Entrepren & Fam Enterprise-Maj; European Studies-Maj; Finance-Maj; Human Resources Mngmt-Maj; International Business-Maj; Latin American Studies-Maj; Management Info Systems-Maj; Marketing-Maj; NatRes,Enrgy&Envrnmnt-Maj; Operations Management-Maj; Organizational Studies-Maj; Retailing & Services-Maj; StrategicMgmt&Organization-Maj.

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