Bachelor of Education (major/honours/minor) at Simon Fraser University


Bachelor of Education (major/honours/minor) at Simon Fraser University

Course Name:Bachelor of Education (major/honours/minor)

University:Simon Fraser University

Qualification:Bachelor's/First Professional Degree

Province:British Columbia


Language of Instruction:English

Allow Coop:Yes


In addition to other courses and requirements, students complete a major, honours or two (extended) minors in another SFU faculty and one of the following minors in the Faculty of Education: counselling and human development, curriculum and instruction, early learning, educational psychology, elementary generalist, environmental education, French education*, international and global education, learning and developmental disabilities, physical education, secondary mathematics education, secondary teaching, and social justice in education. Second bachelor's degree option available. * Through a partnership with the Université de Tours in France, students admitted to the Professional Development Program (PDP) French Module ( have the possibility of obtaining the French Master 1 certification in Teaching French as a second/foreign language. Students do so by preceding their 12 month PDP by one semester in the Master 1 in France.

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