Certificate in Athletic Therapy at York University


Certificate in Athletic Therapy at York University

Course Name:Certificate in Athletic Therapy

University:York University

Qualification:Undergraduate Level Certificate/Diploma



Language of Instruction:English

Allow Coop:Yes


Students must be degree candidates in Kinesiology & Health Science. The application process for this program includes two reference letters (one of which indicates a completion of 40 experiential hours in the clinical and/or field setting with a Certified Athletic Therapist - CAT(C) or Sport Physiotherapist or a current York ATCP student enrolled in HH/KINE 4592 3.00). Applicants must have completed or be in the process of completing a minimum of 48 and achieved a minimum cumulative average of 5.00 (C+). Applicants must have completed the following courses with minimum grade of C+ in each course: KINE 2011 3.00 – Human Physiology I; KINE 2031 3.00 – Human Anatomy; and KINE 2495 3.00 – Sports Injuries (OR KINE 2490 3.00 Athletic Therapy I AND KINE 3600 3.00 Athletic Therapy II in place of KINE 2495 3.00). Standard First Aid and CPR-C certification (or HH/PKIN 0750 0.00 – Emergency Care I) and attendance at the Information and Interview Session are required for application to the program. Eligible applicants will be contacted to complete an interview process.

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